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ESG: Understand the concept

ESG is an abbreviation in English that stands for environmental, social and governance, and refers to an organization’s environmental, social and governance practices.

Origin of the term ESG

The term was created in 2004 when Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, urged 50 CEOs of major financial institutions around the world to integrate social, environmental and governance factors in the capital market.

How important are ESG practices in organizations?

Best ESG practices are an indicator of a robust management, better reputation and more resilience amid the market’s uncertainties and vulnerabilities. An organization that operates according to these patterns increases its competitiveness, reduces its negative impacts and maximizes its positive impacts.

RD Suppliers

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Sustainability is the most powerful bridge to our common future

Be a leader in the movement to integrate environmental, social and governance aspects in our supply chain.

Our purpose of taking close care of people’s health and well-being in all moments of life only comes true from the relationships we build

For this reason, RD does business responsibly with its supply chain.RD aims to build principled, transparent and responsible relationships with its suppliers. We want to be leaders in strengthening our supply chain through engagement, development and co-creation of solutions for ESG challenges.

RD has strategically aligned its sustainability goals

We have created value to everyone involved in the supply chain through our ESG Program:

Based on the guidelines of ISO 20400
Based on the balance betweentechnical and financial criteria
Focused on the development of trustingand long-term relationships
Attentive to the development and constructionof a strengthened and resilient chain

Pillars of the Program

Analysis of Risks and Opportunities

Segmentation and mapping of the supply chain’s social and environmental impacts

Classification of the criticality level of procurement categories

Integration in Procurement Processes

Analysis of risks and opportunities in procurement specifications

Request of documents, certificates/statements of complianceFormalization of RD’s expectations in the Suppliers Code of Ethics & Conduct and contractual terms

Monitoring suppliers through self-assessment forms and audits

Supplier Engagement

Offering opportunities for development and capacity building in business and sustainability management

Ongoing communication program aimed at suppliers

Stages to become an RD Supplier

Commercial interest

Everything starts when one of RD’s business areas begins to request a supplier evaluation either as a single process or as a type of bidding process

Supplier Registration

Moment when a company participating in the hiring process accesses the supplier management platform to fill out its registration data, answer the compliance questionnaires, and accept the terms of commitments to RD


Carried out by RD’s Supplier Governance team when the company is classified in critical or non-critical categories, according to its social, environmental and compliance impacts

Onboarding training

At this stage, the supplier will go through remote training to learn RD’s expectations and commitments

In-person audit

Depending on the company’s segment, the Supplier Governance team will carry out an in-person audit focused on ESG practices.

Completion of the registration process

At this moment, after carrying out all the previous stages, the supplier is registered in the system and becomes able to start a business relationship with RD.

Learn more about the 2030 RD sustainability commitments to the supply chain




Reach 100% of critical category suppliers evaluated against ESG criteria


Reach 100% of critical category suppliers with diversity goals or indicators


Reach 100% of regular small suppliers trained in business management and sustainability


Offer training in business management and sustainability to 100% of active small sellers


Reach 30% of critical suppliers with GHG emission reduction and offset actions

Sustainability in practice: our partnership with Trashin

Learn about the case that is changing the way businesses deal with residues and environmental impact

Trashin Innovation in residue management

Consultancy and implementation of methodology that turns residues into resources and reduces carbon footprint.

Read more

“We believe sustainability is a commitment of all, including our supply chain. That’s why we are willing to engage them in our purpose to take health and well-being to the largest possible number of people, according to our company’s sustainability commitments.’”

Marcilio Pousada

Clear your doubts

What are the stages for me to become an RD supplier?

The process of registering RD suppliers has 6 stages, as follows:‍

1. Commercial interest: when one of RD’s business areas begins to request a supplier evaluation or a bidding process (procurement process with several suppliers)

2. Supplier registration: moment when the company accesses the supplier management platform to fill out its registration data, answer the compliance questionnaires, and accept the terms of commitments to RD.

a. Registering in the supplier homologation systems (stage carried out by the supplier);

b. Answering ESG questionnaire (stage carried out by the supplier);

c. Answering compliance and accepting the terms of commitments to RD (stage carried out by the supplier)

3. Classification of suppliers in critical and non-critical categories and evaluation of companies against social, environmental and governance practices (stage carried out by the RD supplier governance team)

4. Onboarding training: at this stage, the supplier will go through remote training to learn RD’s expectations and commitments (stage carried out by the supplier)

5. In-person audit: depending on the company’s segment, the Supplier Governance team will carry out an in-person audit before going on with the registering process. Audit focused on social, environmental and governance practices

6. Completion of the registration process: at this moment, after carrying out all the previous stages, the supplier is registered in our system and becomes able to start a business relationship with RD

How long does it take to have my company evaluated by RD?

The process of registering a supplier usually takes 30 days on average. The supplier evaluation stage (stage 6) takes up to 7 days. However, it may take longer if the company does not meet the minimum requirements and/or does not send the necessary evidence to prove the elimination of non-conformities

What are the minimum required documents for a company to be an RD supplier?

The documents that must be sent by suppliers in the registration process will depend on the product and/or service offered. However, there are mandatory documents for any and all companies that want to become an RD partner:‍

1. Corporate ID - CNPJ

2. Information on National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE

3. State Registration

4. Evidence of Municipal Registration - Business License or Certificate

5. Registration in the National Simplified Tax System

6. Banking Details for Payment - Bank account evidence

7. Articles of Incorporation/Organization (Evidence of Members - Legally Responsible Persons)

8. Full/simplified record file or Long Form Registry of Commerce Certificate

*The list of documents is not exhaustive, and may be altered without prior notice.

What are the documents that I must fill out and/or that I must accept so that my company can become an RD supplier?

The documents to be filled out or that need acceptance of the supplier are the following:

1. Acceptance of RD Supplier Code of Ethics & Conduct;

2. Acceptance of the People Code - Ethics and Conduct in RD;

3. Statement of Acceptance and Commitment to the RD Code of Ethics & Conduct;

4. Related Party Form;

5. Compliance questionnaire, including topics involving conflict of interest;

6. Brazilian General Data Protection Law and Information Security questionnaire;

7. ESG questionnaire (applicable to critical category suppliers). We emphasize that, according to the company’s activity, specific documents and commitments may be requested.

*The list of documents is not exhaustive, and may be altered without prior notice.

If I use subcontractors (third-party companies) to manufacture products or provide services to RD, do I have to inform all of them?

Yes, all subcontractors involved in a production process related to RD Brand and RD logo products, and/or service providers, such as engineering companies or those in charge of works or renovations, must be informed for these companies are equally monitored

When I use outsourced workers, do I have do inform about them in the RD system?

Yes, all employees of suppliers (outsourced workers) that will provide services in RD’s premises (offices, DCs and/or pharmacies) must be informed and registered in the Supplier Governance system (Sym Supply), for they will be monitored.

How is the ESG-related classification of the criticality level of suppliers done?

RD classifies all its suppliers and sellers into critical categories (those with higher risk of social and environmental and governance impact) and non-critical categories (those that do not carry a relevant risk of social and environmental and governance impact). The classification process is carried out through a questionnaire with about 12 questions.

What platform is used for the RD supplier governance?

The Supplier Governance area used the Sym Supply system to monitor RD business partners, including suppliers of different areas, such as direct procurement, supplies, RD Brands, as well as sellers(linked to RD’s marketplace).

How often will my company, my branches and/or subcontractors be evaluated by RD?

The frequency of evaluations will depend on the evaluation results, according to the company’s rating, ranging from 3 to 12 months

Does RD audit suppliers, branches and/or subcontractors?

Yes. The supplier monitoring process includes audits carried out by the SG team or a company appointed by RD, and audits can be performed as follows:

1. In-person, online or hybrid (online + in-person);

2. In the format of announced, semi-announced or unannounced audit.

What corrective measures may result from non compliance with the RD Supplier Code of Ethics & Conduct?

RD understands that complying with the Code of Ethics & Conduct is as important as complying with the rules regarding the quality of products, provision of services or, even, delivery deadlines. RD’s relations with all stakeholders are based on compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to its sector, and RD always works ethically and transparently, preserving the reputation of the RD brand. RD wishes to deliver good products and services to its customers and to society. Therefore, the implications of non compliance with the Code of Ethics & Conduct can be:

1. Non compliance with the principles and commitments hereof shall result in the adoption of corrective measures, from suspension and blocking orders to early termination of RD’s business relationships with its suppliers, including termination of contracts in force, according to RD’s rules.

2. RD may hold suppliers and/or subcontractors liable for any damages and expenses incurred by RD, including, but not limited to, the loss of earnings and/or profits resulting from the violation of one or more items of the Code

What are the topics evaluated by the Supplier Governance area?

RD’s Supplier Governance area evaluates business partners in 9 different topics, as described below:‍

1. Good register, fiscal and tax standing;

2. Licenses and Certifications;

3. Working conditions;

4. Building infrastructure;

5. Pollutant emissions and residue treatment;

6. Transparency and anti-corruption processes;

7. General health and safety conditions;

8. Subcontracting companies and/or outsourced workers;

9. Brazilian General Data Protection Law and Privacy and Information Security Risk Management

Is any type of certification required for me to become an RD supplier?

Certification requirement will depend on the product and/or service provided to RD. For example, if the supplier is from the garment industry, the Abvtex (Brazilian Association of Textile and Apparel Industries) Certification must be presented

Are suppliers and/or manufacturers of imported products also evaluated by RD?

Yes. Suppliers of imported products go through a similar social, environmental and governance classification process, besides homologation and evaluation. However, some documents are not applicable to them and, in this case, equivalent documents are required from them, according to the company’s home country

Does RD have any training for suppliers on its social, environmental and governance practices?

Yes. RD has an introductory training course in the process of registering new suppliers, as mentioned above (stage 4). Participating in the training and obtaining its certificate is mandatory for a company to become an RD supplier.

Does RD carry out any evaluation and monitoring of a seller?

Yes. Sellers - companies that sell their products at RD’s marketplace - are also classified, evaluated and monitored by the Supplier Governance area. However, there are some processes that are not applicable to this category.

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