Social Investment
For a healthier society
Following our purpose of taking care of people’s health and well-being closely at all times of life, we carry out a series of social initiatives, managed by the company’s Social Investment team. All actions are geared to have a positive impact on the integral health of people in the regions where we operate, and also aim to strengthen the culture of donation in our own community of employees and customers.
is the monetary value already made possible by RD Social Investment initiatives*
Our initiatives in numbers
+R$ 25
milliondonated to fight against Covid-19 in 2020
+R$ 34
millionreversed in donations with the sale of Sorria and TODOS magazines since 2008
+R$ 14
millionfor institutions with the Change Collection Program (Programa de Arrecadação de Troco) since 2017
+R$ 18
milliondonated to social projects through incentive laws since 2011
+R$ 308
thousandpassed on to employees by our Emergency Fund since 2020
+R$ 308
thousanddonated to communities hit by calamities since 2019
Employeescurrently engaged in volunteer actions
Each day new ideas and opportunities for actions appear in the area of Social Investment in RD, supported by three major pillars: actions in partnership with customers, initiatives involving our employees and corporate operations.
Get to know each of them better:
Partnership with customers
Based on the concept of microdonation, we offer customers products that reverse income to causes and also a technology that transforms change into donation.
Network of Employees
We have a volunteer program that already has the membership of more than 2,700 employees, and an emergency fund to support them in unexpected and calamity situations.
Corporate Operations
Through company resources or sponsorships based on incentive laws, we support dozens of organizations and projects related to our purpose.
Get a better understanding of how each initiative works and the social impact we create:
Socio-editorial projects
Sorria Collection
R$ 26,159,529.70
Donated to social institutions since 2008
The magazine Sorria, sold at Droga Raia, is a bimonthly publication with income reversed to eleven institutions that help transform public health in Brazil. Donations have already made it possible to fulfill great dreams, such as helping to build a children’s cancer hospital. In addition to the magazine, the Sorria Collection has an annual calendar and inspiring books, which help readers gain physical and mental well-being.
Click and get to know those benefited-
Hospital specializing in the fight against childhood cancer
Operation: national4.200 lives impacted per year
More than R$ 17 million donated
Why the funds make a difference: annually, GRAACC performs 35,000 consultations, 31,000 imaging tests, 1,400 surgeries and 85 bone marrow transplants. Smile’s donations are equivalent to the average cost of treating 50 people per year!
Provides assistance in the areas of health, social assistance, education and culture
Operation: São Paulo280 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will allow the purchase of materials and the expansion of services offered at Casa Angela, a humanized birth center that assists mothers in prenatal, delivery and postpartum, as well as the baby in its first year of life.
Democratizes access to visual health
Operation: national and internationalMore than 58 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: the donations allow for the carrying out of joint efforts for clinical care and the donation of eyeglasses in communities considered to be vulnerable and public schools.
It serves children with mental and physical disabilities with a high degree of impairment
Operation: Limeira (SP)More than 5 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will help expand service capacity and offer transdisciplinary therapy to children with disabilities from low-income families.
Promotes social development and defense of community rights
Operation: states of BA, GO and MSMore than 30 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will allow the purchase of medical equipment and the hiring of specialized professionals to serve 120 indigenous families and train 24 leaders of the Guarani-Kaiowá ethnic group.
It works to promote the mental health of children, adolescents and young people
Operation: national349 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: allows the realization of the “Toolbox” program, which helps boys and girls who live in challenging contexts to develop strategies to deal with emotions.
Reference in enabling children and adolescents with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities
Operation: Piracicaba (SP)450 lives impacted
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: will be used to implement a project that will serve 300 babies with neuropsychomotor development delay.
Reference in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases
Operation: nationalMore than 56 thousand lives impacted per year
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: the amounts will be used to buy five ultrasound devices for hemodialysis units, benefiting around 800 patients coming from the SUS.
Philanthropic hospital, a reference in medium and high complexity procedures
Operation: nationalMore than 420 thousand lives impacted per year
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: with the amounts transferred, the hospital will be able to hire new professionals and increase its service capacity.
Hospital that works with a maternal-infant, oncologic and ICU focus
Operation: Vale do Paraíba (SP)More than 500 thousand lives impacted per year
More than R$ 34 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will allow the hiring of more professionals, in addition to the purchase of furniture and equipment to create the first palliative care clinic for cancer patients in the region, free of charge, aimed at people over 18 years of age.
Promotes social inclusion and fights structural poverty Operation: national
More than 75 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 325 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it allows for the expansion of service modalities and the number of families benefiting from health, quality of life and income generation actions.
MIMOS Collection
R$ 8,053,427.49
donated to social institutions since 2015
To make the moment of giving a gift even more special, SORRIA and TODOS have a line of bags and cards with exclusive illustrations and phrases that spread affection around.
R$ 79,473.49
donated to social institutions since 2015
Click and get to know those benefited-
Serves families at social risk with activities in the areas of education, culture and health
Operation: São PauloMore than 3,600 lives impacted per year
More than R$ 2,8 million donated
Why the funds make a difference: help in the maintenance of services, providing assistance to 1,365 children, teenagers and young people and monitoring 3,680 family members.
Network of 17,000 volunteer dentists who serve people in vulnerable situations
Operation: national and internationalMore than 79 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 2,2 million donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helps the institution to provide free dental care to more than 78 thousand children and teenagers with serious oral problems and more than a thousand women victims of violence.
Serves children and teenagers with microcephaly
Operation: Salvador273 lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: allows you to hire new professionals and expand by 50% the services in physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy.
Offers free diagnosis and care to children with cancer
Operation: North and Northeast regions2,500 lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: will be used for the installation of a fixed clinic in Fortaleza and training of professionals for early detection of cancer in the interior of Ceará.
Manager of the Muriaé Cancer Hospital (MG), reference in free oncological treatment
Operation: state of MG52,873 lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: will cost about 360 prostate biopsies (examination of high cost and low access by SUS), reducing the waiting list.
Dedicated to the inclusion of people with visual impairment in vulnerable situations
Operation: nationalMore than 40 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will allow for strengthening the team and expanding specialized care in the areas of ophthalmology and guidance and mobility, reducing the waiting list by 30%.
It is a reference in the fight against childhood cancer
Operation: 29 municipalities in the interior of Pernambuco1,735 lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will be used to purchase equipment and structure a surgical ward, an ICU and a sterilization center for materials.
Provides health care to riverine communities at risk
Operation: Amazon region15 thousand lives impacted
More than R$ 239 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: will finance the operation of the Abaré hospital-boat, which serves families in the Tapajós River basin with doctors and other health professionals.
Donate Day
Taking advantage of the Donate Day celebrations, celebrated in December, we held the Doação em Dobro (Double Donation) project: for each copy sold of the publications of the Sorria and TODOS collections, RD donates the same amount throughout the month. In addition, the transfers of Sorria and TODOS and those of the RD totaled
R$ 1,383,220.44
in 2019, allocated for NGOs already supported by the titles.

Change Collection Program
R$ 14,290,455.11
have been allocated for institutions since 2017
In 2020, were raised
R$ 3,855,525.28
ASSOCIAÇÃO DE ASSISTÊNCIA À CRIANÇA COM DEFICIÊNCIA (DISABLED CHILD CARE ASSOCIATION) — Provides medical-therapeutic assistance in orthopedics and rehabilitation
Operation: São Paulo, Recife, Mogi das Cruzes (SP), Osasco (SP), Porto Alegre, Poços de Caldas (MG) and Uberlândia (MG)62,396 lives impacted per year
More than R$ 12 million donated
The Change Collection Program also allocated resources to the Red Cross, totaling
R$ 289,725.30
Learn more:
In 2020, were raised
R$ 2,283,067.83
It aims to reduce breast cancer mortality among Brazilian women in situations of social vulnerability
Operation: national
Created in 2006 at Drogasil and expanded in 2018 to Droga Raia, the program allows customers that pay in cash to donate the cents (change) to institutions that work to improve public health in Brazil.
Why the funds make a difference: It collaborates for the NGO to conduct free tests and treatment for people with physical disabilities or orthopedic needs. In 2019, there were 7,512 surgeries and 880 thousand appointments.
Brumadinho (MG)
In early 2019, with the rupture of the ore tailings dam in Brumadinho (MG), which killed hundreds of people, all RD units in Minas Gerais allocated the amount of the Change Collection Program to the Brazilian Red Cross. For every R$ 1 raised, RD donated another R$ 1.
In all, they amounted to
R$ 109,898.06
Baixada Santista (SP)
We also helped in the reconstruction of rain-affected communities in Baixada Santista in March 2020. During that month, every amount received with the Change Collection Program was donated to the Red Cross, which worked in the cities of the region. For every R$ 1 raised, RD donated another R$ 1. Our care made a difference.
The total amount transferred was of
R$ 179,827.24
Why the funds make a difference: it made it possible to donate mammographs and ultrasound equipment to the state of Paraíba, to conduct courses for 210 health professionals and more than 14,000 free tests for women in situations of social vulnerability.
RD Employees
In 2019, when we created our internal volunteer program, the initial goal was to include 5% of employees in the initiative. But we reached the end of that year with the participation of 6.9% of the staff. The capillarity of our business, with more than 2.400 stores in 23 states, was a challenge won with the creation of an online platform that allowed us to integrate and multiply forces.
The priority focus of actions are activities related to health and well-being, but other actions and causes are welcome. Ideally, the supported institutions are located close to our stores and distribution centers.
Employee Emergency Fund
RD Employees
The emergency fund was born out of the idea of financially helping our employees in cases of public calamity, states of emergency, or collective damage. To start the fund, RD made a contribution of R$ 200 thousand.
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CORRENTE DO BEM (Pay It Forward)
Learn about the steps of the program
CLICK ON THE NUMBERSThe employee registers on the online platform to gain access to all information, including details on how to sign up to participate in the existing Volunteer Committees in each location, if desired.
On the platform, you can view all ongoing actions promoted by the committees, the RD Social Investment area, or by other employees, before choosing which one to be a part of.
You can also carry out an independent project and help a specific institution, sharing the details on the portal so that more people can help — and thus increase the pay it forward action.
After the action, the volunteer registers the results on the portal, publishing photos and short videos, information on the number of participants and those benefited, and statements.
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Understand the initiative
CLICK ON THE NUMBERSAll employees are invited to donate R$ 2, R$ 10, R$ 30 per month, debited directly from their payroll.
For every R$ 1 donated by our employees, RD contributes R$ 1 more, doubling their contribution.
Any employee can request help from the emergency fund, managed by an RD committee, even if they are not a contributor.
The amount of the aid, limited to R$ 10 thousand, varies according to each case.
hours donated
to run campaigns since 2019729
volunteer actions
carried out since 20192,762
participated in the projects in 2019 -
More than
employees have already made donations to the fund
have already benefited from the project
In all, employees have already donated
R$ 99,724.17
Donations to employees already add up to
R$ 286,400

R$ 18,176,889.00
have been allocated for projects through incentive laws since 2011
It contributes to the promotion of culture and health in public hospitals
Operation: Recife, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo315,633 lives impacted in 2019
Over R$ 3,180.000 donated
Why the funds make a difference: allows for the organization to bring the art of the clown to hospitalized children and teenagers, their companions and other audiences in situations of vulnerability and social risk.
Organizes visual arts events on the importance of diversity and inclusion
Operation: National
Project Benefited: Diálogo no Escuro (Dialogue in the Dark)100,000 lives impacted
R$ 500 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it contributes to the fact that the Diálogos no Escuro project continues to raise awareness to the population about the needs and potential of people with disabilities.
Culture, education and social work initiative for people with physical disabilities
Operation: São Paulo200 lives impacted
R$ 250 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: supports the creation and maintenance of the orchestra’s artistic body, which is still in training, promoting the inclusion of people with physical and motor disabilities.
Carries out activities to access cultural and scientific assets produced by the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo)
Operation: São PauloMore than 500,000 lives impacted per year
R$ 2 million donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will enable the renovation and revitalization of the São Paulo Campus Library, which will be transformed into the Health Cultural Center and intends to benefit up to 2,000 people per day.
Promotes culture, science and health actions, supporting initiatives from the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
Operation: Rio de Janeiro100 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 250 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it assists in maintaining the project “Contando Histórias, Fazendo Arte e Renovando Esperanças” (Telling Stories, Making Art and Renewing Hopes), which includes training women in handcrafts for income generation.
Audiovisual production company
Operation: nationalR$ 500 thousand donated
Expectation to impact 6 million viewers
Why the funds make a difference: It contributes to the realization of Ávida, a TV series, still in production, on how to better live the aging process, addressing topics such as physical and emotional health.
Holds photo exhibitions and lectures
Operation: Curitiba, Florianópolis e Porto Alegre68,450 lives impacted
R$ 350,000 donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped make the De Peito Aberto exhibition feasible, with photos and stories of people who overcame breast cancer and regained self-esteem.
Art therapy activity program
Operation: national1,037 lives impacted
R$ 250 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it assisted in the realization of Faça Memórias, initiative created by art therapist Cristiane Pomeranz to stimulate the cognition and sociability of elderly people diagnosed with memory loss.
Provides treatment to socially vulnerable children and teenagers with cancer
Operation: São PauloMore than 3,500 lives impacted
R$ 390 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped organize Música pela Cura 2018 (Music for the Cure 2018), two series of concerts at Sala São Paulo that collected resources for the comprehensive care of children and teenagers with cancer.
Production company focused on telling stories of individual and collective transformation
Operation: national and internationalExpectation to impact 10 million viewers R$ 800,000 donated
Why the funds make a difference: the transfer contributes to the production of the documentary Muitos Anos de Vida (Many Years of Life), in the production phase, about the challenges and opportunities of longevity.
Conducts socio-cultural activities in hospitals, schools and NGOs
Operation: Greater São Paulo12,008 lives impacted
R$ 200 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped carry out the Arte nos Hospitais (Art in Hospitals) project, with itinerant presentations in public and philanthropic health units.
Carries out artistic interventions in public and philanthropic hospitals
Operation: Greater São Paulo37,449 lives impacted
R$ 200 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it contributed to the Promovendo Cultura nos Hospitais (Promoting Culture in Hospitals) project, with artistic activities to strengthen the self-esteem and affective ties of hospitalized patients.
It promotes culture, science and health, supporting initiatives from the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
Operation: national90 thousand lives impacted
R$ 200 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped carry out Ciência Móvel (Mobile Science), which brings an itinerant and interactive museum to municipalities in the Southeast, contributing to the strengthening of science teaching and sociocultural inclusion.
Works with storytellers in hospitals
Operation: São Paulo and other cities in São Paulo, Salvador, Brasília, Porto Alegre, Recife and Rio de Janeiro218,430 lives impacted
R$ 250 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it supported storytelling activities, which allows patients, mostly children in early childhood, to experience feelings of affection and happiness after each session.
Conducts theatrical presentations and science workshops in hospitals, institutions and public schools
Operation: Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo3,140 lives impacted
R$ 200 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped make viable the Arte Teatro Viajante (Traveling Theater Art), which made children from 8 to 12 years old aware of the danger of the H1N1 virus and the importance of preventing the proliferation of transmitting mosquitoes.
Largest pediatric hospital in Brazil, a reference in high complexity care
Operation: nationalMore than 288 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 500 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will be used to fund the “Saúde Integral II” (Comprehensive Health II) project, which provides hospital, outpatient, psychosocial, therapeutic and dental care to children and teenagers, as well as support for the families.
It seeks the inclusion and development of socially vulnerable children and young people
Operation: Estreito (MA)300 lives impacted per year
R$ 51,889 donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will help fund the medical and psychosocial care of children and teenagers who are victims of physical, sexual or psychological violence, as well as educational, sociocultural and sports activities.
A referral philanthropic hospital in medium and high complexity procedures
Operation: nationalMore than 420 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 460 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: the amount was used in the projects “Pediatria SHAC” (SHAC Pediatrics) and “Infância Bem Cuidada” (Well-Cared Childhood), which aim to improve the hospital and child outpatient care service for the low-income population.
Institution that promotes socio-educational activities to people in social vulnerability situations
Operation: São Paulo3,600 lives impacted per year
R$ 180 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it was used to fund the project “Sorria: Alimentação Saudável é Cidadania” (Smile: Healthy Eating is Citizenship), to promote and monitor the oral and nutritional health of children and teenagers in situations of social vulnerability.
Provides dental treatment to cancer patients and people with disabilities
Operation: São Paulo2,693 lives impacted per year
R$ 220 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped fund the “Sorriso Encantado” (Enchanted Smile), which offered 653 appointments and 1,313 dental procedures to children and teenagers with special needs, as well as lectures on oral education.
Conducts support and inclusion activities for people with intellectual disabilities
Operation: State of SP25 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 200 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it made it possible to maintain regular activities of the institution, allowing quality care to children and teenagers with intellectual disabilities.
Works with treatment, prevention, rehabilitation and research in the oncology area
Operation: States of SP, BA, SE, MS, RO, RR, AP and TO220 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 1,155 million donated
Why the funds make a difference: it assisted in the maintenance of the hospital through the Amparo ao Idoso (Elderly Support) project, which supports this public with actions such as social and legal assistance, hospitality and purchase of medicines.
It provides eye care to socially vulnerable communities
Operation: State of GO150 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 450 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it allows for the maintenance of care such as eye consultations, exams, surgeries and delivery of glasses to patients over 60 years of age.
Works for the food and nutrition safety of vulnerable families
Operation: States of PE, PB, CE, AL and RNMore than 2,000 lives impacted per year
R$ 450 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it collaborates with the project “Vida Saudável nos Morros” (Healthy Living in the Morros), which serves 200 elderly people and their families creating productive backyards and community gardens in communities in Recife.
Long-term institution for the elderly
Operation: Fortaleza200 lives impacted
R$ 235 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it allowed to maintain regular activities and offer the elderly public the reception service based on the project “Longevidade com Dignidade: Cuidar, Proteger e Promover” (Longevity with Dignity: To Care for, Protect and Promote).
Long-term institution for the elderly
Operation: Greater Porto Alegre138 lives impacted em 2020
R$ 110 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped in the payment of fixed expenses, food, maintenance services, medicines that are not offered by SUS and renovation for the creation of new facilities.
It promotes assistance and inclusion actions for people with disabilities
Operation: State of GO, MT and MS120 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 110 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped in the development of the project “Cuidando da Melhor Idade” (Caring for the Best Age), aimed at the specialized care of the elderly public. The initiative will be implemented in 2021.
Develops technological solutions to social problems
Operation: several municipalities in the state of São Paulo120 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 365 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped carry out the project “Emprego Apoiado para Inserção da Pessoa com Deficiência no Mercado de Trabalho” (Supported Employment for the Insertion of People with Disabilities in the Labor Market), which, in 2017, allowed 1,564 serviced people to get a job.
Conducts sports and cultural activities to transform the reality of children and teenagers
Operation: Recife, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo370 lives impacted per year
R$ 900 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it will finance a race circuit that, in addition to the events, brings together several activities related to health, self-esteem and well-being for an audience of 2 thousand participants per stage.
Promotes social inclusion through sport in low-income communities
Operation: national200 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 170 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it helped fund educational, cultural and citizenship activities for children and teenagers aged from 4 to 18 years and their families in the community of Heliópolis, in São Paulo.
Operation: São Paulo
R$ 480 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it made the Day Run and Junta e Vai street races possible, which promoted the Lacre Amigo initiative, with the collection of rings from the cans to be exchanged for wheelchair donations.
Carries out artistic and sports projects for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities
Operation: São Paulo3 thousand lives impacted
R$ 410 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it funded editions of the “Corrida e Caminhada pela Inclusão” (Race and Walk for Inclusion), which values sports practice for the inclusion of people with disabilities.
It promotes human development through sport in vulnerable regions
Operation: Diadema (SP), Piracicaba (SP) and São Paulo900 lives impacted per year*
R$ 260 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it funded the project “Basquete – Educação Pelo Esporte” (Basketball – Education Through Sport), which promoted the strengthening of family and community ties of 480 children and teenagers in social vulnerability.
*The institute closed its activities in 2020. -
Develops cultural and sports projects for companies and entities in the third sector
Operation: national17 thousand lives impacted per year
R$ 300 thousand donated
Why the funds make a difference: it allowed two stages of the Corrida do Bem (Good Race), which promotes affordable, safe and effective sports practice, promoting the sport as a means of formation of citizens.
Tax Incentive Laws
In order to expand the contribution of RD to society, we make contributions to projects primarily related to health through tax incentive laws.
The Rouanet Act, or Federal Act of Culture Incentives, makes it possible to allocate a part of the Income Tax for the financing of cultural projects. The Audiovisual Law allows for the transfer of funds to support the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works.
Learn about the benefited projects:
Condeca is the acronym for the Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de São Paulo (São Paulo State Council for the Rights of Children and Teenagers). And Fumcad is the Fundo Municipal da Criança e do Adolescente (Municipal Fund for Children and Teenagers). The resources allocated to these funds are used for actions that guarantee the rights of children and teenagers.
Learn about the benefited projects:
This type of tax incentive allows to make donations to initiatives that benefit the elderly population.
Learn about the benefited projects:
The Programa Nacional de Apoio à Atenção da Saúde da Pessoa com Deficiência (National Health Care Support Program for Persons with Disabilities) (Pronas/PCD) encourages care, rehabilitation and inclusion actions for people with disabilities.
Learn about the benefited projects:
Resources from tax waiver can also go to sports actions and projects aimed at audiences of all age groups.
Learn about the benefited projects:
Special Actions
In addition to regular initiatives, we continue with the purpose of generating positive social impact with special actions:
In celebration of the opening of the thousandth Drogasil brand store, which was a unit in Pará, we took a solidarity action: For every purchase of Needs brand hygiene, beauty and health products that took place on April 5, 2019, RD donated a Needs product to two health institutions. Abrigo Especial Callabriano (Callabriano Special Shelter) received 14,840 items and the Ophyr Loyola Hospital, 44,166.
In total, it was donated
59,006 products.